Want share my beautiful Dogs “Koume” & “Hakubi” 柴犬小梅と北海道犬白眉に出会ったお話

This is for my dogs Koume, a Shiba-Inu, and Hakubi, a Hokkaido-ken, who have both passed way.
Part 1: Meeting Koume.
Koume was my first-ever dog. I always wanted a Japanese Shiba-Inu since when I was a kid because to me they’re a Japanese icon. My town was small then and everybody knew each other. Most of our neighbours had Shibas. On my way home from school I’d see them sitting beside their house watching the world go by. They look intelligent, they’re always calm, and never bark unnecessarily was my image of a Shiba, at least when I was a kid. I couldn’t have a dog when I was kid because my parents are always busy and my mother didn’t like a dogs. She was bitten by a dog when she was kid and I guess it was traumatic for her. I have a brother and he loved animals when he was kid. I remember he was hiding a kitten or cat with his friends and giving them milk and food. Because of this our garden was always where cats hung out. My mother wasn’t happy at all, Hahahaha 😅.
I always thought that when I got married I will have a dog, a Shiba- Inu!! My husband and I love animals and he’s had dogs all his life so we decided to get a Shiba. It wasn’t easy to find Shiba in Australia at that time as they weren’t popular not they are today. It took time to find Koume but when we had found her we were so happy and excited. We had to go to Bendigo in Victoria to meet her just after she was born. She was so small. When we saw her and I had chance to hold her and I was very happy even when she pee’d on me HAHAHAH😭. My husband said she felt the evil. How rude!!😤. We had to wait about 6 weeks until we could bring her home but the breeder sent photos and told us about what she had done that day, what she ate, and things like that, so we could keep up to date.

Finally the time came for us to pick her up. We drove 8 hours to Bendigo from Jindabyne but it was and exciting road trip. On the way we talked about her name, what we will do with her, how I look after a dog because this is my first time. My husband knew already things like that. We stayed in Bendigo that night at a beautifully restored old hotel so we can pick her up the next day. I couldn’t sleep that night. Next day, we got to the breeder’s house and Koume was ready to go. We packed her in to our car with a few toys so she wouldn’t get bored because it was going to be a long trip home. We had to stopped for her to pee so we had lunch in a park and she was in the big world for the first time. She wasn’t worried, she just enjoyed sun and beautiful green grass. We thought she was going to cry in the car but she didn’t much. She slept most time but a couple of hours from home she started crying a little so we thought she might need to pee. It was May in the Snowy Mountains, nearly midnight , and freezing but we stopped and got her out of the car. She was just sniffing and playing while we were waiting but she didn’t pee so we got back in the our car and headed home. I was holding her in my lap and she decided pee on me… AGAIN!! Hahahah 🤣. I said, “Really dog”.

Finally, we got home. It had taken 12 hours with all the pee stops. We were all tired but we had to work the next day so we put her in to her bed and watched for a while to make sure she was ok .After a while she just fell asleep and slept all night, no fuss, no crying, she was going to be a good dog.

Good night

To be continued……..
